Disputes over anything from parking spots and messy yards to loud noises and unpleasant behavior can cause neighbors to become distant enemies.
Although meeting new people can be exciting if it means that you can have baked cakes or have Deborah next door pick up your package, many individuals are all too aware that the idyllic suburban life isn’t always what it looks like.
In the UK, we witness individuals fighting with guys who are drinking cocktails in wheelie bins, chopping down half a tree with petulance, and constantly vacuuming their artificial grass to remove the petals off the flowers next door.
While some of us would find it difficult to live next to only a few neighbors, there is a town in Europe where all 6,000 people live on the same street, and from the sounds of it, they seem to love it.
I doubt that picking up the Christmas cards will take only five minutes after supper.
Sułoszowa, a southern Polish village located about 29 km northwest of Kraków, is known as “Little Tuscany” because of its peculiar layout, which centers all of the activity around a single 9 km street.
There are 5,819 people living there as of 2017, according to CSO Poland, and they all coexist peacefully next to one another on extensive stretches of land used for gardens.

Some of the village’s residents spoke forward to share their experiences after an aerial photo of it went viral on Twitter earlier this month.
This is a location I wouldn’t swap for anything. It exudes a unique charm and ambience. There’s just something about it, as they say,” another person remarked. “It’s all the same, just a house and a strip of field, which is why the pictures look so good.” Grain is in one, rapeseed is in another, and something else is in the third. From above, the hues are stunning.”

Another image was posted on Reddit, where someone asked if each property had its very own strip of farmland behind their house.
Someone responded: “I just showed this to my Polish friend and he said yes!”
They continued: “Each house has that strip of land to do whatever on, hence different colours and they are using the land for different purposes. Some grow crops on it, others have animals, some just leave it.
“I said I didn’t believe him but he says it’s true.”