As our parents age, we often start thinking about what they will leave behind for us when they are gone. It’s natural to want some financial security for the future.
But what if our parents decide to use their hard-earned money to enjoy their retirement instead of saving it for us? This is a dilemma that one 34-year-old is facing.
In a letter to a newspaper, the 34-year-old expressed their frustration with their parents’ spending habits.
They revealed that their parents have been going on lavish vacations to places like New York, Costa Rica, and Thailand. These dream vacations are draining their inheritance, and it’s causing resentment for the writer.

The question they posed is an interesting one: Who is being selfish? Is it the children who want their parents to save for their future, or the parents who want to enjoy the money they worked for?
It’s a difficult question to answer and sparks a debate about the cost-of-living crisis and the wealth gap between generations.
The writer also shared that their parents had promised to leave the remainder of their savings to be split between their two children.
However, with the majority of the money being spent, it seems unlikely that this promise will be fulfilled.
This has left the 34-year-old feeling frustrated and stuck in a cycle of renting and living paycheck to paycheck. The prospect of ever owning a property seems out of reach, let alone getting out of debt.

This story is a sad one that highlights the complexities and realities of family relationships and financial decisions. There may not be a clear solution or answer, but it definitely gets people talking and thinking about the choices we make as parents and children.