Greek Island Will Pay You A Monthly Wage And Give You A Plot Of Land Just To Live There

Moving to an Instagrammable island and quitting our day jobs would be a dream come true for most of us. However, there’s a part of Greece that’s in need of someone who can turn this dream into a reality, and they’d even pay you for it.

The island of Antikythira is in dire need of more people to populate it, and they are offering £450 a month in exchange for a plot of land to the first person to settle there.

Situated between the islands of Kythira and Crete is the island itself. There are just 24 people living on the island, and it takes 45 minutes to get there by plane from Athens!

There is a catch, so don’t get very thrilled. The local Greek Orthodox Church covers the monthly wage; single persons are not encouraged to apply as they are the sole candidates for this position, which is intended for young families.

There used to be roughly 300 people living on the island, which is the basis for the desire to increase its population.

Over time, the population has decreased due to the departure of younger residents who moved to the mainland in pursuit of employment, causing the population to age.

The Church hopes that by providing a monthly stipend, it can draw enough visitors to Antikythera to maintain the city’s population.

Apart from the allowance, newly arrived inhabitants will be granted a piece of land to utilize as they like, for the purpose of constructing a new residence, business, or both.

“We are looking for many families to’revive’ our island,” the island’s mayor, Andreas Harhalakis, stated to the Greek website Iefimerida.

But before you get too enthusiastic and relocate the entire family, bear in mind that the island is very remote; there is only one store and no bank or ATM on it.

Don’t worry, though—there is internet access and electricity. Additionally, there is no shortage of work for bakers, builders, and fisherman. There is an Airbnb that you may rent if you would want to go.

Naturally, the island is encircled by stunning beaches and has a rustic charm over its entire length.

Given that four families have already been selected, the funding program is genuine and devoid of hollow promises.

Desire a shift in attitude? Further details are available on the Antikythira website.

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