“The Little Drummer Boy” is a timeless holiday song based on a traditional Czech melody that gained global popularity a decade after its initial release. Over the years, musicians ranging from Bing Crosby to Justin Bieber have attempted to resurrect this beloved song.
The country music sensation Carrie Underwood has continuously enthralled audiences with her musical releases. Her 2020 album, on the other hand, promises to be a nice surprise for fans. The album’s 11th track has a unique duet with her 5-year-old son, Isaiah, who sweetly takes on the vocals for “The Little Drummer Boy.”
In anticipation of this release, fans have had the opportunity to hear numerous artists’ versions of this melody. Despite her initial worries about working with her son, Carrie Underwood admits that Isaiah’s performance exceeded her expectations. He not only did an amazing job, but he also shows a strong similarity to the youngster represented in the song’s tale, according to her.
The album, which is set to be released on December 25th, is a combination of Christmas classics and fresh songs by the great singer. Play the lovely mother-son duet and immerse yourself in the wonder of their rendition.
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