Nostradamus’s Predictions: Fact or Fiction?
Have you ever heard of Nostradamus, also referred to as Michel de Nostredame? He was a well-known French astrologer, and his book “Les Prophéties,” which was released in 1555, caught the interest of many readers. But let’s look more closely and assess how well he predicted the future.
Nostradamus insisted that astrological data served as the foundation for his prophesies. His competence, however, received harsh criticism. Researchers found that “Les Prophéties” had a considerable amount of paraphrases of old collections of end-of-the-world prophesies, primarily drawn from the Bible, and reinforced with references to anticipated historical occurrences.
The “City of God” and Israel’s Future
Nostradamus foretold the Third World War in his quatrains in relation to a fight that would take place in the “City of God.” It is obvious that Nostradamus was referring to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, when we take into account the historical setting of his time. It’s surprising how many people consider Nostradamus’s statements to be eerily prescient in light of the ongoing attacks by the islamist organization Hamas on Israel.
Nostradamus predicted that a great leader would give up after a battle in the “City of God,” which would trigger the outbreak of the Third World War:
“In the ‘City of God,’ there will be a powerful thunder/ Two brothers torn apart by chaos, while the city withstands/ The great leader will surrender/ The third great war will begin when the great city is burning.”
Insights into the Future: War and a Third Antichrist
Additionally, Nostradamus foresaw a huge battle that would break out in 2023:
“Seven months of Great War, people dying due to wicked deeds. Rouen, Evreux will not fall into the hands of the king.”
Furthermore, a third Antichrist would appear in 2023 according to Nostradamus’ predictions. The first two Antichrists, according to the French astrologer, were Hitler and Napoleon.
“The Antichrist will soon destroy the three/ His war will last twenty-seven years/ The unbelievers will be dead, captives, or exiled/ With blood, human bodies, water, and red hail covering the earth,” as described in “Les Prophéties.”
Despite the need for caution while dealing with these forecasts, many people are undoubtedly fascinated and alarmed by them. The truth of Nostradamus’ prophecies and whether they have any relevance to current events will only become clear with time.