When Charles, aged 87, fell ill, his granddaughter did not want to take care of him – when he died, he made sure his absence was known…
Charles had always been a man with a kind heart. All his life, he was generous to everyone in his life, especially his granddaughter Olivia. So, when he got sick, he was deeply disappointed to learn that she did not want to take care of him. Unfortunately, she was the only person left in his life, and there was no one else to look after him. So, when she refused, he knew his future was not bright, and his days were numbered.
Charles was shocked to discover her true face and knew that she had taken advantage of him whenever she could. Now, his granddaughter Olivia simply did not care for him anymore. Charles did not want to spend his last days saddened by this, so he decided to teach her a lesson, which Olivia would only find out after he had died…

The inheritance
When Charles died, Olivia did not know what to expect. She had been so distant from her grandfather in the years leading up to his death that she was unsure what he had left for her. Olivia only knew that she had to meet with the notary to discuss the inheritance. She had already started seeing dollar signs and was eager to find out what she would receive. But when she arrived at the notary’s office, Olivia was in for a surprise.
There was no money. Instead, the notary handed her a handwritten letter from her grandfather, Charles. It was a letter that would change her life. As Olivia read the letter, she realized Charles had spent his last weeks carefully planning a lesson for her.

The trauma
Sadly, Olivia had not been lucky enough to have a carefree childhood. She was always a quiet child, but after her parents died in a car accident when she was just four years old, she became even more reserved.
Her widowed grandfather, Charles, did everything he could to give her a good life and make up for the loss of her parents, but the trauma of the accident left a deep mark on the young girl.

As Olivia grew into a young adult, she became increasingly isolated and numb. She struggled to connect with others and found it hard to open up about her feelings. Despite her grandfather’s efforts to encourage her to seek therapy and find a path to healing, Olivia felt stuck in her suffering and unable to move forward.
When Olivia turned sixteen, she decided to move out and live with a then-friend. Despite her grandfather’s concerns, she felt she needed to leave home to find her own way in the world. But as time went by, Olivia found herself feeling even more lost and alone.

Although her grandfather tried to keep in touch with her and check on her, Olivia often ignored his calls or responded tersely. She did not want to admit to him how unhappy she was and pushed him away, just as she had pushed everyone else out of her life. Charles barely saw her, and when he did, it was when she needed money.
He knew it was wrong, but he kept telling himself she was using the money for good things, so he continued to give it to her. He missed her so much, so in the few moments he saw her, he wanted to make sure she was okay. Charles continued to ask Olivia many times if she was okay, but she always avoided his questions and got angry if he kept asking.

The accident
One day, things changed, and Charles was the one who needed Olivia’s help, not the other way around. Olivia received a call from the hospital. Her grandfather had fallen and needed urgent care.
For a brief moment, the old, kind Olivia returned and rushed to be by his side. When she arrived, she was shocked to see how much he had aged and how frail he had become. The doctors told Olivia that her grandfather needed constant care and that it would be best for him to move in with her.

Olivia was not prepared to take on the responsibility of caring for her grandfather and refused to let him move in with her. She did not want to give up her own life and had other things on her mind. She told them she was busy and had other things to do, but Charles knew she was making excuses.
He had tried to follow her on social media to stay at least a little up-to-date with her life. That’s why he knew she was living in a dirty apartment in a notorious neighborhood. He had no idea what she was doing there, but he felt she was more interested in his money than in him.

After the accident, he tried to call her a few times, but she did not answer the phone. One day, he finally managed to get in touch with her, but what she told him broke his heart. Olivia told him she could not come to see him. There was no trace of compassion in her voice, and she ended the conversation shortly thereafter.
When Charles ended the phone call, he knew his days were numbered. He thought about the way Olivia had treated him and felt deeply sad in his soul. He decided to spend his last days on this earth teaching his granddaughter a lesson.

Deep down, Olivia knew that her grandfather was the only person who truly cared for her and wanted the best for her. As she struggled to find her place in the world, she couldn’t help but feel guilty for pushing him away and regretting the distance that had grown between them.
She felt sad for a brief moment, but she had too much on her mind to worry about him. In the last two years, she had made a series of poor decisions that led to a significant accumulation of debt. So, when she heard the news that her grandfather had become ill, she didn’t care too much because she felt she had more important things on her mind.

Too late
Olivia was so caught up in her own foolish problems that she quickly forgot about her grandfather. She spent the next three weeks borrowing and making money any way she could. Desperate to keep her head above water, when she received a call from an unknown number, it never crossed her mind that it could be about her grandfather Charles.

Her grandfather was weak and alone and had died. The notary wanted to meet with her as soon as possible. Although Olivia felt sad, she couldn’t help but think about the will. She hoped that he had left her all his money, so she could pay off her debts. Knowing he had no one else, Olivia felt it was only right for the money to come to her.
Olivia decided to meet with the notary immediately, eagerly awaiting to hear what her grandfather Charles had left her. However, the notary had a big surprise for her when he read the will.

An interesting will
When Olivia arrived at the notary’s office, she was greeted by a kindly-faced man who introduced himself as Mr. Thompson. He invited her to sit down and began to explain the situation. “I’m sorry for your loss, Miss Olivia,” he said. “Your grandfather was a good man and left behind a very interesting will.” Olivia’s heart began to race as she thought about the potential inheritance. She could barely contain her excitement as Mr. Thompson continued.
“In his will, your grandfather Charles left you his entire estate, including his house, savings, and all personal belongings,” said Mr. Thompson. Olivia’s eyes widened in disbelief. She expected a small fortune, not her grandfather’s entire estate. She was speechless and could only stare in shock at Mr. Thompson. “However,” Mr. Thompson continued, “there is a catch…”

His house
Mr. Thompson looked at her seriously: “Your grandfather stipulated in the will that you must live in his house for a year and take care of it as if it were your own. If you do not meet this requirement, the entire estate will be donated to charity.”
“I understand this may be a difficult requirement for you, Olivia,” Mr. Thompson continued. “But your grandfather was a wise man and believed this was the best way for you to learn the lessons he tried to teach you in his final moments. He wanted you to understand the value of caring for others and to appreciate the home he built and loved for so many years.”

Valuable lessons
Olivia sat in silence for a few moments, trying to process everything Mr. Thompson had said. She knew she had a difficult decision to make, but thinking about all the money she could get, she couldn’t help but feel greedy. She took a deep breath and looked up at Mr. Thompson. “I accept the challenge,” she said, determined. “I will live in my grandfather’s house for a year and take care of it as if it were my own.” However, Olivia was naive to think that this was the only lesson he was trying to teach her. After all, she had ignored him for years and had been selfish for so long.
Mr. Thompson nodded, a look of approval on his face. “I have no doubt you will succeed, Olivia,” he said. “Your grandfather was right to trust in you. But there is one more thing your grandfather asked me to give you.” He then handed her a handwritten letter that her grandfather, Charles, had left for her before he died.

One more thing
Olivia expected the letter to be full of beautiful words and love, but when she opened it, she had to gasp for air. As soon as she read the first words at the top of the letter, she knew it wouldn’t be easy to get her hands on her grandfather’s money. He was definitely trying to teach her a lesson with this.
Olivia quickly scanned the letter, her eyes scanning the neat handwriting she recognized as her grandfather’s. The letter was filled with advice and accusations, but at the end, there was a surprising twist.

“My dear Olivia,” the letter read. “I know you are a smart and capable young woman, but I also know that you have always chosen the easy path when it came to achieving your goals. It saddens me that you no longer wanted to see me and that you neglected yourself in that dirty apartment of yours. You came to see me only when you needed my money, and that is why I have decided to make things a bit more difficult for you. To inherit my fortune, you must complete a series of tasks that I have carefully selected. These tasks are designed to test your character, determination, and willingness to work hard for what you want. I have no doubt that you will rise to the challenge and I am certain that you will become a better person because of it. Good luck, my dear granddaughter. I love you.”