A young lady stood on the path dressed to the nines. Many people stopped to inquire about her needs and to find out where her family was.
She stood there in filthy, ripped clothes, yet nobody gave it a second thought.
It was a dreadful truth that most people only valued her appearance and did not recognize her value as a person.
Because of this conduct, it was difficult to imagine a society in which everyone would be treated equally regardless of how wealthy or gorgeous they were.
It is sad that some people believe their lives are more valuable than others simply because they are more attractive or wealthy.
The homeless man who was seated in the Dunkin’ Donuts was a prime example.
Nobody paid him any attention until the woman came up to him; he was struggling to get by on just spare change.

Then, out of generosity, she offered to pay for his coffee and sandwich out of her own money in return for him spending nearly an hour with her before he had to leave for class.
The message he sent her just before she left was unclear to her.
Regardless of their circumstances, we should all work to create an environment where everyone feels appreciated and respected.
This makes the world a better place for all of us to live in. It demonstrates that even those with little can contribute valuable knowledge and engage in discourse if given the chance.
On her drive to Dunkin’ Donuts, Casey Fischer spotted a man standing by the side of the road soliciting alms.
Chris, the man, spoke to Fischer about his issues with being homeless and how he had previously experienced unfair treatment as a result.
She drew him to her table and paid for his supper because she was so taken with him.
Before she had to leave for class, he also acknowledged having used narcotics in the past.
Chris, however, gave Fischer a crumpled piece of paper with something written on it before she left, and that really impacted her.

According to the essay, he was considering suicide before meeting her.
Chris was energized and hopeful by her uncomplicated friendliness.
This brave young woman cares deeply about those who are less fortunate than her, and for that, we must honor and praise her.
Casey has demonstrated how even seemingly insignificant deeds may have a significant impact on other people’s lives with her invitation to go out for coffee with someone who doesn’t have much.
People with compassion and empathy who wish to improve the lives of people around them are exactly what the world needs.
Tales like these restore our faith in the enduring presence of compassion and empathy within our society.