First dates are seldom easy! You don’t know how to behave and aren’t sure if you like the individual. Anxiety and nerves can coexist at different times.
Maybe after reading these tales, your biggest concerns regarding first dates will be confirmed! Here is a compilation of awful first dates that may leave you wondering if you should laugh or cry!
There are occasions when you go on a date and soon decide it is not meant to be. It could be because of anything your date said, or it could be something they do that makes you uncomfortable. Whatever it is, it has the potential to produce a great deal of agitation.
Some incredible entries from a Reddit thread featuring people’s worst date memories are well worth reading! Westonworld, a user, recounted her worst dating experience. “He insisted on paying for our dinner instead of going Dutch,” the author wrote, “and then completely ignored the server.” He got upset with me when I tried to leave a tip because he was the one making the payment and it was up to him whether or not to tip.
That sounds very anxious! It’s really vital to tip service members, and it may be very awkward if you don’t. At least it was only a casual date! You don’t need to see them the next time.

Another user named DopeCharma wrote, “She took her hands off the wheel and said, “You think I’m craaazzyy?!” I literally jumped out at the next light.”
That is a scary situation especially on a first date where you really might not know the person! Hopefully, this was the only time the girl ever did something like this!
Another user named ShatteredKitkat wrote about her nightmare first date, she said, “He said women were stupid and would believe anything he told them. I am a woman.” That sounds like an annoying first date. Kudos to this person for being able to keep their temper!

Another user with the username Sol-Blackguy, who might have probably had the worst date ever wrote, “Went on a date with a woman from the office. Thought we had good chemistry and got along well. She couldn’t find her phone so I tried calling it and someone from the restaurant answered. I went back in for her to get it and the waiter showed me I was saved in her contacts under “Free Food.”
Ouch! That has got to hurt. No one wants to be a free meal ticket for someone especially if they like them and think there is potential in that relationship. This one seems ot be extra awkward since they are colleagues as well.
Another horrible first date was shared by user wr_gix who shared, “The girl who spent the first half of the dinner date talking about her irritable bowel syndrome and then switched to her love for god after the main course.”

Another date shared by user 4Ever2Thee was incredibly awkward, they shared, “The date was going great but we were talking about family, friends, and all that and I realized that I’d slept with her sister.”
All in all, these seem to be very intense and horrible first dates that might have left some people with a bad taste in their mouths. What do you think of these stories? Let us know which you think is the worst one in the comments!