Woman snaps photo running through rainforest – later spots haunting detail in the bushes

Over the years, countless’spooky’ images have appeared on the internet. There’s no shortage of such images if you look for them, from purported sightings of Big Foot to alleged flying saucers in the sky to ghosts appearing in the windows of old, dilapidated homes.

Now, we’ll confess straight away that the vast majority of these photographs aren’t nearly as inexplicable as they appear to be.

Most of the time, the spooky aspect or frightening detail is either a coincidental blur of the camera, or the product of someone who understands how to use Photoshop and has too much free time.

However, there are photographs that appear to contradict logic in some way. Just ask runner Kay Borleis, who discovered an unsettling detail in a shot taken while running 100 miles through the Hawaiian jungle. Why anyone would put themselves through such a physical challenge is beyond me, but that isn’t the point here.

According to reports, Kay participated in the Hawaiian Ultra Running Team’s Trail 100-Mile Endurance Run in 2019, which involves running five laps on a 20-mile loop through deep rainforest.

Kay was joined by her friend Cassie, who was working as a pacemaker, and Cassie was the one who took photos during the duo’s run.

One of the resulting images appeared to show Kay making her way along a muddy trail in the heart of the jungle. Yet when she took a closer look at the image, she spotted a detail that we can only describe as unsettling.

Credit / Reddit – KayBorleis

Kay took to Reddit, explaining: “My pacer took this photo.

“Notice the figure in the frame to the left of my head. We never saw anyone passing us and there were no statues along the trail.

“It is NOT photoshopped or made. This is legit.”

Close-ups of the photo in question do appear to show a dark figure, dressed in ragged garb, who appears to be watching Kay as she runs. Kay, however, insisted that there was no one present at the time.

Credit / Reddit – KayBorleis

She explained: “According to legend, there are ghosts of Hawaiian warriors that roam the island and they’re called Night Marchers.

“They are, ‘murderous shades, demons, revenants that haunt the island. They are the rabid galvanized specters of ancient Hawaiian fighters, heroes, and warriors’.

“Upon further research, we found out that, ‘ancient Hawaiian tenets assert that any mortal gazing upon or being viewed in defiance to the marchers will die horribly and violently. Some people declare that if the mortal lies still, down on the ground, prostrated to the marchers they are giving proper respect, fear, and reverence to the Night Marchers; and they will be forgiven and spared.’”

“Luckily, we did not see the supposed Night Marcher.”

Have you ever taken a photo and later seen a detail you weren’t expecting? Let us know in the comments.

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