Woman’s Facebook post goes viral after Burger King employee does this at the drive-thru

When you have diabetes, it’s incredibly important to listen to you body’s warning signals.

That’s exactly what Rebecca Boening did when she was driving her car.

She sensed her blood sugar levels starting to drop and took the nearest exit. What happened next truly exemplifies pure and genuine compassion.

Rebecca Boening is one of the many people living with diabetes. She understands all too well how crucial it is to consume something when blood sugar starts to drop. That’s why she promptly exited at the nearest off-ramp and drove to Burger King when she felt her blood sugar getting low during her car journey.

Flickr / Mike Burton

”As I stumbled through placing my order I mentioned to the voice on the speaker that I was diabetic and in need of food. Low blood sugar makes it difficult to think or act,” Rebecca wrote on Facebook.

She then pulled up to the payment and was about to roll down her car window when she saw someone running towards her.

”I was shocked to see Burger King employee Tina Hardy running toward the front of my car. She squeezed between the front of my car and the building,” Rebecca shared.

”I honestly at first didn’t know who she was or what she was doing,” Boening told ABC and added: ”It took me a minute to figure it out.”

It turned out that is was Tina Hardy, an Burger King employee, who had brought the ice cream and rushed to give it to Rebecca. Tina’s husband also suffers from diabetes, and she understood how crucial it can be to quickly have something to eat when dealing with low blood sugar.

Rebecca then enjoyed her ice cream and meal peacefully.

”After paying I pulled up to Tina’s window where she gave me my food. She instructed me to park across the driveway so that she could keep an eye on me until I felt better. After eating I waited for a break in business so that I could return to Tina’s window. I then took this picture and spoke with Tina’s supervisor, telling him what she did for me. If you appreciate what this special woman did please share this story,” Rebecca said.

After posting it on social media, the story about Tina went viral. In a short time, the heartwarming post received 488,000 reactions and more than 207,000 shares

”She (Tina) had only worked there six months,” Boening said. ”She had no idea if she would be fired for leaving her post and the building.”

Good job Tina. If I owned a business you are the kind of employee I would want on my staff. You were an angel in disguise to your fellow man. Be Blessed!

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