You should eat natural fruits and veggies because they are healthy, but you might not know that certain of them shouldn’t be combined. Consider the examples of tomatoes and cucumbers.
Tomatoes and cucumbers are great for our bodies. They are both brimming with minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and water. However, you shouldn’t combine them simultaneously! According to Ayurveda, we should be aware of each ingredient’s precise digestion time before selecting it for a salad.
It’s not a good idea to combine veggies that take less time to digest with vegetables that take more time since the lighter element will wind up going through the colon just as the first one is finished digesting. In the stomach, this will result in food fermentation, which could further contaminate the entire body. Additionally, it will hinder the digestion and fermentation of sugars and starches, preventing you from fully savoring your meal. The fermentation process may result in stomach pain, swelling, and gases, which will only make problems worse.
Along with tomatoes and cucumbers, there are other food pairings that you should never attempt. Let’s look at this:
– Fruits after a meal– fruits take a lot of time to be digested and should never remain in the stomach for a long period of time. When you eat them after a meal, you increase the chances of acid reflux and other digestive issues.
– Meat and cheese- avoid putting too much protein in one meal and opt for only one type of protein per meal.
– macaroni and cheese (and macaroni and meat)- despite its popularity, this mixture that needs to be avoided since macaroni is rich in starch, which has a different digestion time than protein, and the delay will cause fermentation and other digestive problems.
– Veggies and cheese– when you combine cheese and vegetables, you only increase the risk of bloating.
– Bread or noodles with orange juice– the acid content needed to digest the juice may destroy the enzyme in charge of starch digestion.
– Melon and watermelon- these fruits are meant to be consumed alone, not in combination with other fruits.
– Bananas and milk- this combination is known to slow down digestion.
– Fruits and yogurt– although this combination is a well-known breakfast combo, it slows down digestion and harms the intestinal flora.